Selected Awards, Fellowships, Presentations and Commissions
2024 Tree Tapestry, Interdisciplinary Artist-Science Research Collaborative, Center fro Advanced Studies, UMN
2020, The Undeniable Power of Music To Heal, Featured Artist Talk, GWU/Corcoran School of Art and Design, DC
2015-present, Arts and End of Life presentations,
New Mexico/Colorado/DC/Ireland2017-present, Firerock presentations on arts, climate justice and spirituality,
New Mexico/Colorado/DC2016-present, Sandhill, a new composition commission, created with field recordings of Sandhill Cranes that migrate through New Mexico
2015/2016, Firerock, climate justice workshops and readings,
Institute for American Indian Arts, New Mexico2013-present, Firerock foundation awards: Tyler Riggs Foundation,
New World Foundation, Nathan Cummings Foundation and many more2013-2015, National Cultural Creative Invitational Learning-Exchange,
Rockwood Leadership Institute2014, Firerock University Residency on Climate Change, Arts and Community Engagement,
University of North Carolina. Greensboro2014, National Creativity Leader and Faculty with Winona LaDuke and Luis Urrea on Storytelling for Transformation,
Island Institute, Alaska2013, National Advisor for Leadership Institute in Creative Engagement,
Rockwood Leadership Institute2012, Pinon Award Recipient, Littleglobe, Courageous Innovation,
Santa Fe Community Foundation2012, Sturges featured in book, Santa Fe Legends, by Ana Pacheco
2012, TEDx Talk, Creativity and Collective Courage,
Sitka, Alaska2012, Artist/Facilitator/National Thought Leader on Resilient Communities,
Island Institute, Sitka, Alaska2012, Leadership Fellow,
Center for Whole Communities. VT
2011, Artist Fellow, Invitational - Artists Working on Climate Change,
Chorus Foundation, NYC2011, Artist Fellow,
Opportunity Agenda/Sundance Arts and Activism Gathering, Sundance2010, National Writing Fellowship Award,
The Community Art Research and Convening Project2010, Blackrock Arts Award for RUTA, a bus opera for active bus lines of Santa Fe
2008/09, Between Here and There,Dance City/Stockton International Festival, UK and European Tours
2009, Multi-Arts Production (MAP) Award Grant for RUTA, a bus opera for active bus lines of Santa Fe,
2009, Salve, music commission with returning women veterans,
National Hispanic Cultural Center2007/10, 3 year arts-in-community commission, rural NM,
NM Arts and Social Justice Committee2008, SITE Santa Fe Biennial Featured Composer/Conductor with John Kennedy and Chris Jonas,
Site Santa Fe, Immersive Musical Composition2008, United States Artist Simon Fellow in Music, National music award
2007, Memorylines, Voces de Nuestras Jornada: A Contemporary Opera, Commissioned by The Santa Fe Opera and The Lensic Performing Arts Center
2005, Moment, Commission from The European Union Festival of Culture,
Cork, Ireland