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Waking The Oracle is now a project of The Bakken Center for Spirituality at The University of Minnesota
We love, we heal, we protect we serve – that which is sacred in ourselves, each other and on the planet.
Waking The Oracle is an on-going project that creates immersive experiences activating intergenerational community wisdom sharing, healing & wellbeing through music and dance, storytelling, participatory arts and dialogue. Waking The Oracle events foster meaningful connection to self, community and the planet as we build our capacities to learn and heal together in these challenging times and create our positive futures together.
Who and What are Oracles?
Oracles guide us and help us find visions and inner truths. Oracles might include trees, magical beings, ancestors, and so many more. They are all around us and within us. When we gather together and listen with our hearts we can hear them showing us the way. In challenging times Oracles help us grow and ultimately teach us how to move from despair and disconnection to wise action, repair, restoration, and communities of care.
History of Waking The Oracle
Based upon 30 years experience working at the crossroads of music, community healing, health, community organizing, science, and spirituality, Waking the Oracle was first raised in 8 weeks while director/founder Molly Sturges was a visiting professor at GWU in arts and community engagement. A few years later WTO was embraced and is now evolving with the amazing team at The University of Minnesota with The Center for Spirituality and Healing . The core WTO creative activation team started to build in January 2024. To learn more about Waking the Oracle in development at UMN click HERE.
The Wonders, Oh and Whoa, singing about wonder at Waking The Oracle in Minnesota, 2024.
Waking The Oracle Pilot in DC at GWU, 2019
Waking The Oracle Activities
Waking The Oracle Creative Activations
Through music, story, dance, community dialogue and surprise, Waking The Oracle creative activations are created in partnership with organizations, groups and communities to open up spaces for reflection, dialogue, and creative expression. Adapting uniquely to each setting and environment the creative activations open up spaces that cultivate our capacities to lean into challenging topics and experiences while cultivating warmth of heart, deep listening and lifting of our spirits.
Community Listening, Dialogue and Wisdom Circles
Led by Waking The Oracle facilitators, circles can be done in partnership with any group and focus on any topic. Designed to create spaces of meaningful exchange, WTO circles foster compassion, dialogue, empathetic listening, as we develop our capacities to connect across divisions and lean into our innate wisdom and healing capacities.
Waking The Oracle Creative Care Immersive Pop-Up Events
Immersive experiences blending music, poetry, storytelling with science informed mindfulness practices for restoration and wellbeing. The pop-up events offer spaces to restore, reflect and connect with others as desired through community circles and sharing of food. WTO Pop-Up events are light on their feet and able to be realized in many settings.
Community Wellbeing Facilitator Training
Community Wellbeing Facilitator training supports participants with foundational and adaptable practices for facilitating group spaces that foster compassion-centered whole person health, community connection and healing and planetary health. Integrating contemplative and participatory creative practices, social justice and ways of nature practices, this accessible training is relevant both for people already working with groups and communities and those who wish to in the future. Developed over years collaborating with people in trauma infused settings practitioners will come away with potent tools and guide maps that serve as templates made to be customized to each person and community. The training was created to be adapted to a variety of timescales and settings.
WAKING THE ORACLE Founder/Artistic Director/Ensemble Member: Molly Sturges(www,, Coordinator and Ensemble Member: Maria Arriola
Molly Sturges, Chance York,, Eric Mayson, Maria Arriola, Lauren Reed
WAKING THE ORACLE ARTISTS: Matt Rahaim, Michael Duffy, Maja Radovanlija, Beth Workman, Lila York, Autumn York, Brandon Cisneros
PRODUCTION TEAM: Center for Spirituality and Healing Team at UMN
The first pilot of Waking The Oracle drew on findings in neuroscience and music research to create a continuous sonic environment that included nature recordings, musical elements that help regulate the nervous system and musical compositions and spaces for improvisation.
Samples from the electronic music elements of DC Oracle below:
See rehearsal videos of Oracle premiere here.
Waking the Oracle is created from the many lessons and insights gained working over nine years on the music, community building, and climate justice project, Firerock which was developed with hundreds of people in community workshops around the country.
Foundting Artist Statement By Molly About Oracle-
There is magic in Oracle. There are heart-felt songs and stories, unexpected surprises, deep tendernesses, true honesty and so much more. Oracle invites us into an ancient technology. To truly tune into ourselves, each other, our place on where our feet touch the earth and the cosmos through the simple act of being in a circle, listening, participating in music, story, dance and connecting through our hearts. Not in any forced way. But in a simple, organic form. From here we easily access our wisdom and postive power. Over and over again I see that we simple need reminders that be we ARE THE LOVE and we TRULY CAN live in balance with each other and the planet.
Waking the Oracle is my small contribution to helping create our path. This is the power of art and music to heal our ancestral lineages and moving our social imagination with the power of our shared hearts and unique expressions. We can create the world we want - and we are despite all appearances. My deepest prayer has been to be a vessel for the healing of our planet, to be an agent of love and service in our world in my unique and small way, I hope that Oracle is a small step in the right direction.
Matt The Lost Guy, an oracle helping us all understand how to be lost and stay connected. Waking The Oracle, Minnesota, 2024.
Mystery calls to you. Maria Arriola as Mystery, Waking the Oracle, Minnesota 2024
George Washington’s head ( of which there are many statues of his head around DC), gets a second chance at having a body. George learns empathy from the Oracles and the cast when they step out of charcater to talk with George . He learns what it is to live in the spirit of reciprocity. GWU, DC, Waking The Oracle pilot.